The Beauty of You: Session 3 of 5

The Beauty of You: Session 3 of 5


The Beauty of You is a five session meditation series developed by Lisa Lansing. You are guided through deep meditations that foster your inner beauty to shine. Through grounding + meditation + breathing you will be ready for a restful, beautiful sleep.

Each meditation will be accompanied by a specific crystal and themes relating to your wellness and the beauty of you. Stones are not necessary but a nice companion for those so inclined. The five crystals that are used for this series in order are; Serpentine with Pyrite, Angelite. Amazonite, Jade and Sodalite.

Below you will find a session guide with more information about the stone used (Amazonite, available for purchase) and how to set up your stones.

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The series was initially launched over a 5-week span. Each meditation was held at 8:30pm. We recommend that you listen to this meditation before bed time. Below is more information about this sessions featured crystal, Amazonite. Click on the image if you are interested in learning more about the stone as well as to purchase.

Below you will find instructions on how to place your stone. For this session we are focusing on Amazonite. The placement includes all 5 crystals in the meditation series.

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